How Prompt Breeders Helps You


Everything is moving very quickly in the field of generative AI. Should it be adopted immediately? At what intensity? How to manage the risks? We help our clients seize the opportunities and potential of these technologies to improve their operations and develop new businesses.

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Our suite of solutions leverages the power of the latest generative AI to drive significant business impact: - Mairlin, the Recruiter's Co-pilot - Breebs (Chat wit Knowledge, and GPTs development) - InspectMate (GenAI-powered App for field inspection) - Luzean (Prompts, Chains, and Agents @Scale)

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Prompt Breeders designs and delivers customized training - tailored to your context and challenges. The goal is always to enhance the skills of your teams and their ability to implement generative AI in their daily operations, in a practical and secure manner.

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From the Blog

News & Articles

And for recruiters, there is... Mairlin 🧙‍♀️🪄✨

Finally, a solution designed with and for recruiters! Mairlin is the personal assistant for all…

Introducing Breebs: Chat with Knowledge

In the landscape of language model chatbots such as ChatGPT, we encounter a crucial challenge: these…

ChatGPT: The Sharpest knife in the drawer... But not the most Harmful

Have you ever asked ChatGPT to generate offensive, insulting content on sensitive or illegal topics…


Consulting, Design, and Integration

Everything is moving very quickly in the field of AI and language models. We help our clients seize the opportunities and potential of these technologies, while managing the risks.

  • Strategic Consulting, Risks, Best Practices, Ideation.
  • Prompt engineering & Agent design
  • AI Solution Design & Hosting


Our solutions for maximizing the impact of generative AI.

We design innovative solutions that overcome the traditional limitations associated with ChatGPT: specialization, security, customization, multi-model agents, non-conversational industrial applications... Our technology stack integrates the latest advancements in the field and best architectural practices: Serverless, Vectorial DB, Langchain, APIs, etc. Some Prompt Breeders solutions include:

  • Mairlin, the ultimate personal assistant for recruiters
  • Breebs, for AI-driven knowledge access
  • InspectMate, Voice & Video GenAI assistant for field inspections
  • Luzean, our serverless hosting and orchestration platform for AI chains and agents, for direct integration into your processes.
  • GPTs prompting and development
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Understand and Use Generative AI

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Prompt Breeders offers customized training - tailored to your context and challenges.

  • Discover the foundations of AI, explore generative technologies, and understand the impact of ChatGPT.
  • Learn to use generative AI in your daily operations, by understanding and mastering the risks.
  • Explore the latest advancements, from autonomous agents to AI as a Service.
  • Anticipate and prepare for what's next by familiarizing yourself with emerging trends.


Prompt Breeders advises and develops integrated generative AI solutions within the operational model and architecture of its clients.

Contact us to discover our solutions in production, and to discuss the opportunities for transforming your model.